Arturia PolyBrute
Arturia PolyBrute
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Maximum modulation
The PolyBrute boasts a premium ribbon controller, as well as a X/Y/Z touch-and-pressure plate named “Morphee”. This is ideal for injecting feeling and emotion into your playing through modulation. The modulation will add a defined sense of realism to your performances, increasing the chance of it resonating with your audience.
Set out like a grid matrix, the Modulation Matrix is a real game changer. There’s no compromises or presets here. You’re completely free to define all destinations by tweaking them however you see fit. The four pages of destinations provide you with a plethora of unique modulation possibilities. What are you waiting for? Dive right in!
Free VST editor
The inclusion of a free VST editor provides seamless integration with your DAW of choice. This makes the PolyBrute a real asset to any studio or creative set-up. If you make a great patch, no problem. The Poly Brute’s “Snapshot” feature is excellent for allowing you to instantly go to your favourite home-made, tried and tested sounds. No matter how far you push these sounds you’ll always be able to go back to its original form.
A testament to Arturia
The Polybrute is a testament to all the great achievements of Arturia and their past products. Although this polysynth boasts some of their customers absolute favourite tools, don’t be fooled. This is a brand-new instrument. It’s no one-trick-pony either. The Polybrute is the definition of versatile. It is able to create the most beautiful and awe-inspiring sonics to inject a new lease of life into your creativity. It is also able to create the most dark, gritty, and aggressive sounds you can imagine .The choice is yours.
Width and wonder
Create width and wonder by panning each of the six voices to provide yourself and the listener with an immersive experience. All the effects included in the PolyBrute are inspired by the renowned FX Collection software, developed by Arturia over the last decade. If you’re already familiar with these then you’ll know they're the real deal. These processors will take your patches to the next level, allowing them to soar high above the densest of mixes with absolutely clarity. If you truly value your craft then you need the Arturia PolyBrute in your set-up.